NAWA Journal of Language and Communication Guidelines for Contributors is published bi-annually in June and December by the Department of Communication, Faculty of Commerce, Human Sciences and Education at the Namibia University of Science and Technology. It is a peer-reviewed (double-blind) journal whose goal is to advance knowledge in human language, communication, and literature. The journal publishes academic articles dealing with empirical research findings, pedagogical methodologies, critical analyses and theoretical perspectives in language, literature and communication and related disciplines such as linguistics and information and communication technologies. NAWA journal encourages research without boundaries and expands the frontiers of knowledge and skill in languages, literature and communication and related areas.
NAWA Journal of Language and Communication
Volume 13, Number 1, June 2022
ISSN 1993-3835
Prof Haileleul Zeleke Woldemariam
Editor-in-Chief, NAWA Journal of Language and Communication (NJLC) Department of Communication
13 Jackson Kaujeua Street Private Bag 13388
T: +264 61 207 2285
Windhoek, NAMIBIA
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